Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wilson Training

Please post questions and comments on this blog.  If you find something that really works well, you can also share that here!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week 3 RSS Reflections

This week I've learned how what "feeds" are and how to subscribe to RSS feeds.

I really like the iGoogle home page, not just because of the feeds, but because it has my e-mail, Facebook, twitter, the weather- all in one location. I think I'll enjoy that at home. I want to add my work e-mail to that page if I can. At school, I would definitely need a feeder so I will be alerted whenever someone makes a post to the blog. That will help a lot, because it's easy to get busy & not check the blog.

I think it makes blogging manageable because it saves time.

I want to remember how to unsubscribe to feeds. It would be easy to have too many.

As I mentioned above, a feeder would let you know whenever there is a post to your blog. That is critical at school.

Yes, I definitely want to use the blogger in my classroom and educational role. As an interventionist, I work with all the teachers in the school. I'm also the DRA/TPRI rep. I could easily have a DRA/TPRI blog and a blog for RtI and SSTs. I could provide information when it's needed and teachers could subscribe to my blog to get updates when they occur. In some cases that might be more effective than e-mails.

On some of the blogs I looked at, I couldn't find a place to post a comment, so I'm wondering if some blogs don't allow outside posts? Also, it was really easy to subscribe to some feeds, but not to others. The tutorials helped with that.

One question I have- I feel really dumb asking this, but..... I'm wondering- What exactly is the difference between a blog and a website? I know that to have a website, you have to have a "domain name." So I've just created a wiki, and a blog & I see how they differ from each other, but when I visit a blog, it looks just like a website.

RSS Choices

I chose the iGoogle reader because I already have a G-mail account & I thought it would be easier to have one account. I'm interested in the netvibes reader also & would like to explore that in the future because it got good reviews from its users.

The blogs I subscribed to were:
1) Kalyn's Kitchen
She had recipes that go with the South Beach diet and I'm always looking for new recipes.
2) ADD ADHD blog
Both of my children are on medication for ADD/ADHD, and this blog gives information about medications. I think it might also help me with my students who are ADD/ADHD.
3) Bestsellers
This site gives information about new books. I'm in a book club and we're always looking for a new book to read each month. It's good to read a review before we choose a book.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Week 2 Reflection

Oops! I posted my reflection questions on the class blog.
I learned a lot. I basically knew nothing about creating a blog. It was fun learning how to make an Avatar & now I can add one to my Facebook page!
I can see a lot of uses for this. Personally, it might be a great way to stay in touch with family & friends who live far away. I also like the idea of using a blog to provide teachers with a forum and information on the RtI process.
Starting a blog was fun & easier than I expected it to be.
One of the focuses I want to remember when updating the blog.... I'm not sure what this means. Does it refer to keeping the blog focused?
I think it would be a good tool for teachers working together and for communication with parents. I think it could be a great tool for students to use to become effective communicators and to learn about media literacy.
I'm not sure which/how many feeds I should subscribe to. I can see how that would be overwhelming.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Blog Links
This is a link to the Fountas and Pinnell blog which gives some good information on literacy interventions, Reading Recovery and RtI.
This is a link to a dyslexia site for parents with a lot of good information about dyslexia. I think this blog site would also be a great resource for teachers.

Summer Vacation!

I went parasailing in Cozumel on my birthday! I think teachers have to take time off to recharge our "batteries" for the very demanding, yet rewarding, job we do.
I've recently, in my old age, become something of a risk taker. I think in education, we have to take risks and let go of what is comfortable, in order to reach new goals. The RtI process requires some risk taking!

Blog Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to provide information and a forum to assist Deep Wood teachers in the RtI process.